I am a final-year PhD student at the University of Mannheim, Germany, advised by Prof. Heiko Paulheim (University of Mannheim) and Prof. Goran Glavaš (University of Würzburg). I am interested in exploring algorithmic bias and diversity in (news) recommender systems, as well as in multilingual, cross-lingual and few-shot information retrieval.

Between Dec 2023 and Feb 2024, I was a visting researcher in the WüNLP Group at the University of Würzburg. Previously, I completed my M.Sc. in Business Informatics at the University of Mannheim, where I worked as a research assistant in the Data and Web Science Group.

You can find more info on my CV.


Dec, 2024Our paper "News Without Borders: Domain Adaptation of Multilingual Sentence Embeddings for Cross-lingual News Recommendation" was accepted to ECIR 2025!
Oct, 2024Our paper "Peeling Back the Layers: An In-Depth Evaluation of Encoder Architectures in Neural News Recommenders" was accepted to INRA'24, in conjunction with RecSys 2024!
Sep, 2024Our paper "Train Once, Use Flexibly: A Modular Framework for Multi-Aspect Neural News Recommendation" was accepted to Findings of EMNLP 2024!
May, 2024 We released xMINDlarge and xMINDsmall now also on HuggingFace.
May, 2024We released the multilingual PolyNews and PolyNewsParallel datasets on HuggingFace.
Mar, 2024Our paper "MIND Your Language: A Multilingual Dataset For Cross-lingual News Recommendation" was accepted to SIGIR 2024, in the Resource and Reproducibility Track!
Mar, 2024I gave a talk about my work on the xMIND multingual news dataset at the MCDS Academic Speed Dating on Data Science.
Dec, 2023I've started my research visit in the WüNLP Group at the University of Würzburg under the supervision of Prof. Goran Glavaš, working on multilingual and cross-lingual news recommendation.
Oct, 2023Our paper "NewsRecLib: A PyTorch-Lightning Library for Neural News Recommendation" was accepted to EMNLP 2023, Systems Demonstration!
Sep, 2023Our paper "NeMig - A Bilingual News Collection and Knowledge Graph about Migration" was accepted to INRA'23, in conjunction with RecSys 2023!
Apr, 2023Our paper "Simplifying Content-Based Neural News Recommendation: On User Modeling and Training Objectives" was accepted to SIGIR 2023!